counterfeit what? a pearl?
So what is it? A tofu clam?
Merry Christmas!
“Counterfeit?” Well it is now, that you put it in your mouth!
Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas, everybody!
It must have been a bad clam.
A clam on dry land would be inedible. Clams are water animals.
Mick & Mason Mastroianni
Parker and Hart
Sisu60 about 6 years ago
counterfeit what? a pearl?
Kaputnik about 6 years ago
So what is it? A tofu clam?
Qiset about 6 years ago
Merry Christmas!
Mordock999 Premium Member about 6 years ago
“Counterfeit?” Well it is now, that you put it in your mouth!
Happy Holidays!
davidf42 about 6 years ago
Merry Christmas, everybody!
banjinshiju about 6 years ago
It must have been a bad clam.
Daniel Jacobson about 6 years ago
A clam on dry land would be inedible. Clams are water animals.