Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for December 15, 2018

  1. Marina and cruise ship from dick s resized for avatar
    kfccanada  about 6 years ago

    ….only time will tell….

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    rekam  about 6 years ago


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    karmakat01  about 6 years ago

    disappointment in the stockings is COMING!

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  4. Zapp
    Apokalis  about 6 years ago

    Trump should talk to the coal miners on this one. STEP UP PRODUCTION!!

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    Nachikethass  about 6 years ago

    Katy’s got the eyes that make you talk!

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    dlkrueger33  about 6 years ago

    This was the time for Santa to explain that live animals are a huge responsibility and expense for ongoing care, and that Katy is not old enough to support a pony and how it would not be fair to saddle the responsibility (no pun intended) on her parents. And then he should offer to bring her a My Little Pony figurine.

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    Doctor Toon  about 6 years ago

    I am terribly afraid that Katie run for President when she grows up

    And win

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    The only sure way to get a pony is to buy a horse. Santa is on the hook for wishes but Dad is on the hook for reality. Sorry kid, ‘My Little Pony’ is in your future.

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    ShadowBeast Premium Member about 6 years ago

    We better see her reaction on Christmas Day when there’s no pony.But I do wish that Santa had a counter-argument against giving ponies, to shut Katie up.

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    gmorse76  about 6 years ago

    Or, you could just man up, Adam, and explain to a child who is old enough to have figured out for herself the fraud of the Santa idea. I mean, come on, my kids figured it out at about age 3; they said “is Santa real?” and I said, “think of the story of what he does. Does it sound like it could be true?” and it dawned on them. . . .DUH.

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    cmo2495 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Sign her up for riding lessons that also come with caring for the horse lessons and mucking out the stable lessons.

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    Holilubillkori Premium Member about 6 years ago

    I’m curious…at what age does it dawn on kids that Santa isn’t real and a story?We had no children and I’d never say mum to any kid of Santa being fake.

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  13. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  about 6 years ago

    Adam: [Stinkeye]

    Santa: [Shrug]

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  14. Rhadamanthus
    craigwestlake  about 6 years ago

    I would have just told her that the ponies hated being dropped down the chimneys…

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    soaringblocks  about 6 years ago

    Thank you, Adam, um, I mean, Rob. I sure enjoy your comic strip. Enjoy a Blessed Christmas.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 6 years ago

    These are fun to see.

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