Lay Lines by Carol Lay for January 02, 2019

  1. Idano
    Ida No  about 6 years ago

    This is what happens when you seal your beer again. Recap.

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  2. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  about 6 years ago

    I miss Murderville.

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  3. Naruto gifs 2
    NWdryad  about 6 years ago
    I miss Murderville, too. Everything Ms. Lay does is awesome, and I know that it takes an awful lot of time and work to write and produce a Murderville story, but it would be great to have another one. I would even be happy to see reruns of all the stories.
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  4. Bow300
    carollay creator about 6 years ago

    Dear Readers,

    Re Murderville: I like that place, too, but I got burned out. Part of the reason is numbers in that between writing, drawing and coloring it would take me about 12 hours per page. At the time I was doing them (support through Patreon was lower then, and I started with five strips a week) that translated into maybe $1.50 an hour with no time for fun. The other factor was reader feedback – I didn’t get the impression it was that popular, but maybe I was wrong.

    One reason I like writing the twins is that they make me smile with their happy optimism and innocence. It is FUN. And since it’s cartoonier, I’m also able to get a page done in less time, so that allows me to work on other projects (AHOY Comics has been running short stories of mine). That allows me to get a little closer to making a living so I can take time off to play music and get out of town now and then.

    I’m very grateful to everyone who chips in through Patreon, buys a Kindle version of Murderville books on Amazon, or takes the time to leave a positive comment on GoComics. It all helps to keep me coming back to the drawing tablet. Thank you.

    And – almost forgot – my website has gone through a major makeover. It’s not quite finished, but it’s up and running, so please take a look.

    Happy New Year!

    —carol lay

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