Cattitude — Doggonit by Anthony Smith for February 01, 2020

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    AllishaDawn  about 5 years ago

    I was going to say get rid of the clothes.

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    Zebrastripes  about 5 years ago

    I have a couch pillow on one end for Tigger! He loves it, but not all kitties will take to that idea……they do have a mind of their own…aloof….

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    pchemcat  about 5 years ago

    Cat fur (and pup fur) on clothing is a badge of honor in my opinion.

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    James Noury Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Smart cat!

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    fehr189  almost 5 years ago

    Or I could shave you kitty then will see who owns the sofa (evil laughter) ps I woundnt actually do that

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