I hope it’s one of the stables that requires the students to help with all the aspects of horse ownership; grooming, saddling/unsaddling, tack maintenance, feeding, mucking out, etc. That’ll put a hitch in her wanting a pony, I betcha.
We were moving to Texas in the early ‘90s and we’re going stay at my Brother-in-laws goat ranch for a few days. My 12-year-old Daugher swore up and down she wasn’t going to have anything with those dirty goats. We arrived and after a couple of hours went to look for my Daughter, found her in the setting in the field surrounded by goats, happily petting them.
Enter.Name.Here about 6 years ago
At the first whiff of pony-poop, I think her little horse desire may subside.
danketaz Premium Member about 6 years ago
It wouldn’t be the coin-operated one in front of the supermarket, would it?
Nachikethass about 6 years ago
Somewhat like what I suggested yesterday. But let her at least see the stables before riding!
karmakat01 about 6 years ago
just wear a skirt and ride in a princess way…
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 6 years ago
If you don’t own, buy. If you can’t buy, rent. If you can’t rent, borrow. If you can’t borrow, ask Dad.
cuzinron47 about 6 years ago
Who needs a home surveillance system when you Katy.
sperry532 about 6 years ago
I hope it’s one of the stables that requires the students to help with all the aspects of horse ownership; grooming, saddling/unsaddling, tack maintenance, feeding, mucking out, etc. That’ll put a hitch in her wanting a pony, I betcha.
Sailor46 USN 65-95 about 6 years ago
We were moving to Texas in the early ‘90s and we’re going stay at my Brother-in-laws goat ranch for a few days. My 12-year-old Daugher swore up and down she wasn’t going to have anything with those dirty goats. We arrived and after a couple of hours went to look for my Daughter, found her in the setting in the field surrounded by goats, happily petting them.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 6 years ago
I would have let her shovel that pony poop for 3 months and see if she is ready for a pony or not.
plaidley about 6 years ago
Dress for taun-tauns.