Peanuts Begins by Charles Schulz for March 20, 2023

  1. Babysteps2
    mccollunsky  almost 2 years ago

    A very officially loved ball.

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  2. Large ambush 2a
    Ambush Kitten  almost 2 years ago

    That brings back memories. And taped bats too. Ahhh
 the good old days. :-)

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  3. Avatar 2475
    Troglodyte  almost 2 years ago

    You don’t say, CB! Other balls wouldn’t be a patch on it.

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  4. Missing large
    JamesT  almost 2 years ago

    If you keep that up CB you will be playing softball for the season opener!

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  5. Bobbyavatar
    Saddenedby Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    I remember those days – A new baseball costs 25 cents. No one had that much so when the stitching started falling apart, dad always had some electrician tape we could use. (It only cost a nickle a roll) If you did it “just right” you got another couple months out of it. And by that time we would have collected enough bottles to ‘trade-in’ to buy another new “official” baseball. A few years later along came Little League baseball and things were never the same. Always throw in some organizing adults and some “genius” business men and soon you have soccer mom’s with not enough time on their hands and dad’s who live in a fantasy world. js

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  6. Me in flag shirt
    paulscon  almost 2 years ago

    When I was a kid I thought that’s how balls came. Also bats were fixed with electrical tape.

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 2 years ago

    good for you, Charlie Brown

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