Good old days – when people knew their place: for Negros, or colored people (or some called them other names) it was the back of the bus, for LGBT (they were called “queers” back then) it was in the closet, for women it was barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen.
A thought…. some dioceses in the US cannot even staff their own parishes. How is it that the “chaplain” thinks that the group has that much influence? Most new priests are from Latin America and Africa.
kaffekup about 6 years ago
He’s got a lot of baggage. And brand-new running shoes.
DanFlak about 6 years ago
The Big Book of Answers. I would rather have questions that are unanswered than answers that are unquestioned.
A religion that does not invite scrutiny is a cult.
DanFlak about 6 years ago
Good old days – when people knew their place: for Negros, or colored people (or some called them other names) it was the back of the bus, for LGBT (they were called “queers” back then) it was in the closet, for women it was barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen.
I fail to see what was so good about them.
Ignatz Premium Member about 6 years ago
Folks like that never seem to think that Pride is a sin. Or self-righteousness.
They bear so little resemblance to Jesus, and such a remarkable resemblance to the Pharisees he condemned.
Ignatz Premium Member about 6 years ago
There used to be a delivery company named “G.O.D.” Guaranteed Overnight Delivery. The side of their trucks said “G.O.D.” in gigantic letters.
My brother said, “You know they’re Christians, because only Christians are capable of that sort of blasphemy.”
PoodleGroomer about 6 years ago
There needs to be a lead singer and 6 backup dancers dressed like him doing the “Vatican Rag”
MDMom about 6 years ago
. . . true “conflict of faith”. :’(
Topcat05 Premium Member about 6 years ago
And the point is………?
Luna, Jasper, and Inigo about 6 years ago
I love how the chaplains profile echoes Washington ‘s
braindead Premium Member about 6 years ago
Shouldn’t he be wearing a MAGA hat?
Thorby about 6 years ago
A thought…. some dioceses in the US cannot even staff their own parishes. How is it that the “chaplain” thinks that the group has that much influence? Most new priests are from Latin America and Africa.
Elmer Gantry Fudd about 6 years ago
Obviously, those people are to be despised, not coddled like altar boy diddling priests.