Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for January 11, 2011
dynaman: Sorry, hela, I don't know where tyr is. woman: oh... dynaman: so, you're his niece? woman: yes, my father loki, the villainous trickster, is his foster brother. also, my brother fenris the wolf is the one who ate his hand, and my pet hellhound garm is destined to kill him at the end of the world! dynaman: Wow, you two must be so close... woman: Actually, I haven't seen him in centuries! can you believe that?
zero about 14 years ago
Colt9033 about 14 years ago
Not the rock band…. ‘)
ChukLitl Premium Member about 14 years ago
So Hela was the original goth chick?
Airboy20 about 14 years ago
You just can’t get away from family.
freeholder1 about 14 years ago
Messy times at the family reunions. Much mead was spilled by all.
fritzoid Premium Member about 14 years ago
She’s got LOVELY hair, and I suppose I could get used to the nose, but she really needs to improve her posture. Still, I’d hit that.
(Besides, she’s got a dog rather than an apartment full of cats.)
Coyoty Premium Member about 14 years ago
I think Tyr may be allergic to dogs.
tsandl about 14 years ago
Geyr nu Garmr mjok fyrir Gnipuhelli; festr mun slitna enn Freki renna, Fjold veit hon Froetha fram se ek lengra um Ragnarok romm Sigtiva.
Vituth er enn etha hvat?
invisifan about 14 years ago
fritzoid said:
‘“She’s got LOVELY hair, and I suppose I could get used to the nose, but she really needs to improve her posture. Still, I’d hit that.”
According to Norse legend Hela was a normal girl on one side, and a corpse on the other — make-up does wonders…
tsandl about 14 years ago
It’s the refrain from the Voluspa, Chikuku, in the best spelling I could manage without resorting to þe olde Widows Character Map.
Garm howls furiously in the cliff caves, (the entrance to Hell) breaks his bonds, and Freki (aka Fenris) runs free. Much she (the Sybil) can teach you; More I can see of the fall of the gods of victory.
cwreenactor about 14 years ago
Thet certainly put “fun” in “dysFUNctional.”