FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for January 12, 2011

  1. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  about 14 years ago

    Climbed into that thing backwards, methinks. Assuming he actually put it together correctly, which is a big assumption.

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  2. Rick
    davidf42  about 14 years ago


    If you haven’t gotten the word yet we are meeting in the Comments Section of the Annie Archives. We are reading one day’s strip at a time each day and sort of pretending that we’re reading it for the first time each day. Today we are at January 12, 2002. We will always be on the same month and day as the current calendar so we don’t get confused. The idea turned out to be so successful that, at ML’s suggestion, I even righted my avatar. Come join us at

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  3. Destiny
    Destiny23  about 14 years ago

    “Some assembly required” – Roger, that is, after that contraption is done with him!

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  4. King hic
    Xane_T  about 14 years ago

    I’ve always wondered about the safety of these gimmicky “exercise” tools and am amazed that there haven’t been more injury lawsuits from them. Especially that door pull-up bar - the bar may be strong enough for “up to 300 lbs” but is the door frame strong enough? And do the bows on the BowFlex ever snap from repetitive stress?

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    awcoffman  about 14 years ago

    I figure that every 30 minutes of exercise may add 10 minutes to your life span. Seems like a net loss to me.

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    rgcviper  about 14 years ago

    Ha–good point, ladyfingers!

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  7. Bth baby puppies1111111111 1
    kab2rb  about 14 years ago

    The worse excercise equipment I foolishly spent too much money on, I used it for a long time and one part of it broke, called the Healthrider. Hurts the back too much. Then I went to waling glider loved it and it broke, skier type two different ones and it gave way, Now have what is like a stere stepper/jogger. Someone came up with wheels on one take outside exercise and move. This guy we know got a skyier type from someone else and I hope this one lasts. Roger you need to get one that is put together and someone shows you how to use the machine.

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    starlilies  about 14 years ago


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    DjGuardian  about 14 years ago

    No, you should be laughing, hysterically.

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  10. Adhdshirt  324x324   324x324   324x324   167x150
    bossyheifer  about 14 years ago

    No you should be laughing Andy, those things aren’t THAT hard to figure out!

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  11. N211317039976 6359
    trekkermint  about 14 years ago

    saw that same thing yesterday at walmart for 30 bucks

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