Not to mention that the new CFL’s are more wide spectrum, while not as green as LED’s, which makes them healthier, especially where winters are more severe.
I can’t be sure whether we are looking at Geo’s back or front. I think it is the back, because there are no buttons on his shirt. The question remains – Why, Geo?
Boo… Hiss….. I only got 8 today! Harrumph! The one I missed was hiding in plain sight. Again. I guess I need to use Dennis’ and Steve’s secret of leaving and coming back.
Congrats to everyone who aced them all. It was fun, huh?
There was another price check joke recently, I think in the Seattle Times on one of the more obscure strips. Farmer shown buying as pillow for his milking stool. “price check on stool softener!”
margueritem about 14 years ago
Just don’t sit down, Geo.
Edcole1961 about 14 years ago
From Chapter One of, “How Not to be a Flasher.”
magnamax about 14 years ago
Hoard them now. They aren’t making them anymore.
cleokaya about 14 years ago
At least he can’t still be considered a bit dim.
Lawrence Stetz Premium Member about 14 years ago
Well, I guess he has to stick those where the sun doesn’t shine to brighten it up down there.
Coyoty Premium Member about 14 years ago
That’s one way to make sure the house is green and energy efficient.
barbfrost about 14 years ago
But it makes him so much lighter!
boldyuma about 14 years ago
If he pulls them back out and sticks them back in the sockets they will have a “brown” out…
magnamax about 14 years ago
Not to mention that the new CFL’s are more wide spectrum, while not as green as LED’s, which makes them healthier, especially where winters are more severe.
Seeker149 Premium Member about 14 years ago
I’m guessing he just looked at their latest energy bill. You don’t have to be a tree hugger to see some of the advantages of efficient lighting.
DennisinSeattle about 4 years ago
I can’t be sure whether we are looking at Geo’s back or front. I think it is the back, because there are no buttons on his shirt. The question remains – Why, Geo?
DennisinSeattle about 4 years ago
Even Cleo can get humiliated by the “Price check” announcement.
DennisinSeattle about 4 years ago
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 4 years ago
Hullo, Puzzle Pals… Sorry to have kept you waiting…
So before I say anything else, here is your side by side version of Cleo’s embarrassment…
In the January 2nd, 2021 (yay!) “Cleo and Company” on Sherpa.
Tigressy about 4 years ago
“And a brown paper bag, please.”
Tigressy about 4 years ago
Two and a half minutes max…
My eyes are trained on the tricky details by those puzzles.
GROG Premium Member about 4 years ago
A little light humor.
GROG Premium Member about 4 years ago
How do you worm your way out of that?
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 4 years ago
Quiet times, tonight….
I thought nobody was partying on New Year’s Eve this year…. so why is everybody still sleeping it off?
I HOPE nobody resolved to spend less time on the comics!
OK, Cleo fans and puzzle-doers… time to post the solution…
No, silly…. I meant time for me to post it, not you.
And no, not the solution to Cleo’s dilemma…. apparently, she’s buying that at the store.
Other dogs get worms eating things they shouldn’t be eating…. often surreptitiously.
We usually see Cleo either eating kibble, or sharing Clara and Claude’s food and treats.
Does she, too, sneak in a little dog-like snacking behavior when her audience isn’t watching?
If so, now she knows it isn’t always easy to keep it secret.
Anyway…. I was speaking, of course, about the puzzle solution.
By now, of course, you’ve attempted to solve it all on your own…. and you’re only looking here to make sure we agree.
Right? … I say… right?
I thought so.
So…. when you’re ready… take a look:
katina.cooper about 4 years ago
Cleo and the other dogs are wondering why Claude didn’t buy 10 bags of kibble.
Plods with ...™ about 4 years ago
Good morning, Ballardeers! Q Date: 295.98605.14 National Creampuff Day!
Depending on your resolution status, you may do the following:
Visiting the bakery and buy cream puffs. Then, eat them.
Make cream puffs using the recipe below. Eat them.
Stare longingly at said cream puffs in bakery case or recipe. Buy some and eat them anyway.
Cream puffs? No idea, the tray was empty when I got here.
Are we sure it’s Cleo that the price check is for?
Y’all have a relaxing 2th. (((((HUGS)))))
MontanaLady about 4 years ago
Boo… Hiss….. I only got 8 today! Harrumph! The one I missed was hiding in plain sight. Again. I guess I need to use Dennis’ and Steve’s secret of leaving and coming back.
Congrats to everyone who aced them all. It was fun, huh?
Love Cleo’s embarrassment.
Perkycat about 4 years ago
I got 8 also. Missed an obvious one as usual! Hope things get better for you soon, Cleo!
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 4 years ago
Finally got them all, and none too quickly either.
One question: How do we know the de-wormer isn’t for Claude?
DennisinSeattle about 4 years ago
There was another price check joke recently, I think in the Seattle Times on one of the more obscure strips. Farmer shown buying as pillow for his milking stool. “price check on stool softener!”
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 4 years ago
Good afternoon Balladeers, (((((Plods))))) and Miss Susan.
JP Steve Premium Member about 4 years ago
Well, I thought I was giving up at eight, but I found the same ones Susan did. So much for my new years resolution to improve my arithmetic…
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 4 years ago
I’m guessing that someone wants to go to bed early.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 4 years ago
Eight. Poop!
DennisinSeattle about 4 years ago
Reset to January 3. Here is the latest C & C:
Cleo has been playing poker again…
Farside99 about 4 years ago
All of a sudden I’m hungry for tacos.
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 4 years ago
Welcome back, Cleophiles and anyone else who managed to find us….
to the January 3rd, already, 2021 “Cleo and Company” …
Same time, same station, here, but different day, on Sherpa:
I hope Cleo won that fair and square… but I dunno.
Usually her gambling is with other dogs… and few dogs own taco stands.
She’s pretty quick to pull a bazooka on a squirrel, but AFAIK doesn’t attack humans…
even if the tacos smell delicious.
Did she just walk up to that cart, during the Saturday farmer’s market and street fair,
while the vendor was grabbing a cup of coffee,
and decide it was abandoned?
In the dog world, possession is more than 9/10 of the law…
it’s more like 99/100ths.
Or whatever you can get away with, by dint of superior size, weight, teeth… or chutzpah.
Guess where Cleo excels.
GROG Premium Member about 4 years ago
I’d love a taco. If you don’t want it, send Cleo over here with those tacos. I won’t send her away.
Tigressy about 4 years ago
Must’ve been from one of the carolers.
katina.cooper about 4 years ago
Cleo stole that taco cart again. Claude probably doesn’t mind. At least he won’t until he has to pay for the tacos.
Rotifer FREE BEER & BATH MATS ON FEB. 31st Thalweg Premium Member about 4 years ago
Can nighthawks get extra covfefe on his taco?
Plods with ...™ about 4 years ago
Good morning, Ballardeers! Q Date: 296.98607.77 National Fruitcake Toss Day! I’m thinkin’ trebuchet is the way to go. Now where’s that evil castle?
Cleo been cruisin’ the streets of La Cucaracha? Taco guy’s fancy cart seems to be missing.
Y’all heave your local fruitcakes far, far away. (((((HUGS!)))))
MontanaLady about 4 years ago
Inspiration…….Chorizo omelets for breakfast today.
Thanks, Cleo. Mmmmmm
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 4 years ago
Good morning Balladeers, (((((Plods))))) and Miss Susan.
Perkycat about 4 years ago
Ay, Caramba!