Amanda the Great by Amanda El-Dweek for January 16, 2019

  1. Kat 1
    katina.cooper  about 6 years ago

    Or, you could forget the other pair of sneakers and when you get to the gym, you would have a good excuse for not going in to the gym to exercise.

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    BlueIris Premium Member about 6 years ago

    “Obligation”? Since when is it an “obligation” to go to a gym to exercise? It is recommended to keep active or exercise, but there is no obligation to go to a gym to exercise. (Sorry, as mentioned yesterday, I do yoga at home.)

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    R.U. Kidding  about 6 years ago

    Some people just don’t get it.

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    Teto85 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    There are a lot of people who wear sneakers when they commute to work, especially those who take mass transit and have to walk and then they put on work shoes. You could do the same. Oh, that’s right, you “work” at home. :-)

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    Pirate Mike creator about 6 years ago

    Husbands can be so unhelpful!

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    edreajr  about 6 years ago

    I like yoga with the fruit blended in! (Oh, wait, that’s yogurt….)

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    sew-so  about 6 years ago

    I have only been to 4 gyms in my life – and 2 were colleges – but none of them expected me to get special shoes. The one I go to now just asks that you wipe down anything that you get sweaty, and they provide paper towels and disinfectant. I don’t think I like your (former) gym.

    I am, however, getting a second pair of shoes. My crocs have worn out to the point where I can feel the rocks in the road, so I went to a podiatrist for a pair of diabetic shoes paid for by my insurance. They’re due in any day, and will be made to fit my feet! And, they measured my feet and told me that I should have been wearing wide shoes, which was why sneakers were uncomfortable. So, I’m about to be fancy and have multiple shoes!

    Why do people say women want a lot of shoes? I can only wear one pair at a time.

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    hwmj  about 6 years ago

    Go to a muni/civic center and hang out with all of us old fossils. a little exercise, a little socializing, time out of the house and no spandex.

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