Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for February 16, 2019

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    boneroller42  about 6 years ago

    That Tnt, such a kidder!

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    WoodstockJack  about 6 years ago

    Yes. Let’s.

    Say, what ever happened to that threesome idea?

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    dewcoons  about 6 years ago

    That’s the Ripster. No matter what the situation he wants to find a way to make it more dangerous. Safer to go after the Highwayman then to deal with those two together.

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    WilliamVollmer  about 6 years ago

    Right now, Breezy and Cobra are putting as much distance as they can where they think this highwayman is going, before they even think to renew their “discussion” about Rip. Probably safe to presume that Rip, and, TNT will somehow survive. Hopefully in good enough shape to make the “discussion” worth while.

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    Chithing  about 6 years ago

    They sure have been lurking in the dark a lot lately.

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    joegeethree  about 6 years ago

    My guess is The Highwayman will trap Cobra and Breezy and force Rip trade them for his henchchicks.

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    tad1  about 6 years ago

    I still say “Cobra” is a phony. The real cobra would never run away from the Highwayman. KA-IMPOSTOR!

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    Lantern Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Lets see, a domineering soul crusher that barely lets you out of the house and only wants you to be a live-in nanny and housekeeper or a danger loving trill seeker that wants to share adventures with you! Hmm…

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  9. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  about 6 years ago

    I hate to think Jenkins will have eaten that Manwich by the time Rip comes home. THAT would be dangerous.

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