The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day by John "Scully" Scully for August 29, 2019

  1. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 5 years ago

    The Tale of the Giant Frog Creature from Outer Space (Ep #51) :

    “Ha ha!”, laughs the Toad king Weelbur, and says, “Your cowardly country has agreed to pay the ransom for your doctor. But little do those fools know that you will never get your doctor back. Mwa ha ha ha ha!”

    “Laugh all you want, fiend”, says Brekk, “for we frogs shall have the last laugh. And he who laughs last laughs longest.”

    “Oh, gimme a break, stupid frog”, quips the toad king, “you can laugh all you want in hell after you die. I don’t care. And now, to celebrate this moment, as our masterplan is going beautifully on track. And we are going to have a little celebration. Look towards the skies, frogs, and you shall see the firecrackers bursting high up in the sky!”

    “This fool is going to bring doom upon us all”, thinks Brekk, and says, “you’d better stop the firecrackers in the skies, toad. Unless you want to…”

    “What nonsense do you utter, stupid frog?”, says the toad king, “you utter one more word and I’ll cut your tongue off.”

    “Suit yourself, imbecile”, thinks Brekk, and keeps quiet.

    “And now, gentlemen, for whom you’ve come so long looking for, here’s your pal, Dr. Frogenstein. Say hello to your pal!”

    The guards bought in a cabinet which looked like some sort of a computer. And on the top, there was a chamber filled with liquid, and in that chamber, was the brains of a frog!

    “What’s the meaning of this, you fiend?”, asks Brekk.

    “Why, don’t you recognise your pal, stupid frogs?”, says the toad king, “it’s your friend and mentor, the great Dr. Frogenstein. Or should I say, the only useful part of the great Dr. Frogenstein!”

    As Brekk screams “Doc! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO…!”, and as the toad king gives out an evil laugh “BWA HA HA HA HA HA..”, a strange but familiar buzzing sound is heard, and it gets louder with the passage of time.

    To Be Continued

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  2. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  over 5 years ago

    The strip will be in reruns until next Wednesday. They are taking Friday and Tuesday for an extended Labor day holiday. They will be back for their last big final highlights clip show memorable big finale after binge drinking on expensive fast boats until they are permanently brain and sun damaged and getting paid for it.

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  3. Image
    Newzy Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Donuts @ tonight’s dinner. Cake for dessert

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