The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day by John "Scully" Scully for September 03, 2019

  1. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  over 5 years ago

    They are not coming in today. Take a selfie with the cutouts. Take another selfie with the back of the cutouts. Help yourself to the tacos and take the leftovers home with you. The final finale is tomorrow and the strike party starts after everything is cleaned up and put away. Make sure your medical insurance does not have a behaving badly exemption.

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  2. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 5 years ago

    We’re all in line, waiting for Newzy to drive in with the taco truck.

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  3. Image
    Newzy Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Toot toot! Tacos for all!

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  4. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 5 years ago

    The Tale of the Giant Frog Creature from Outer Space (Ep #55) :

    It was an absolute bloodbath in the Toadlands capital, with the anti aircraft missiles hitting the giant mosquitoes, and the giant mosquitoes slaughtering the toads everywhere. Many toad soldiers are killed in the great battle Toadstool, the capital of Toadlands.

    Brekk and Smam take turns in the control room torturing the toad king to get more information on what happened to their Dr. Frogenstein. The Toad king keeps insisting that the brain in the brain cabinet is what is all that is left of Dr. Frogenstein now.

    “No matter how much we torture him, he keeps saying the same thing. Could it be that this brain is Dr. Frogenstein’s, Smam?”

    “Could be, General Brekk, we’d better take this whole brain cabinet back with us to Frog nation, just in case, I’d say.”

    The toad warriors and guards are also fighting the giant mosquitoes inside the castle, with their giant electric fly swatters. But no matter how many mosquitoes they keep, more of them just keep coming.

    “Looks like we can barely hold on until our troops arrive, General”, says Smam.

    “It appears that way, Smam. Our troops are at least an hour away. And more giant mosquitoes just keep coming. Could this mean that we’re doomed along with these toads?”, says Brekk.

    The situation at Toadstool looks very bleak. Most of the Toad troops have fallen to the giant mosquitoes who are feasting in their blood. Some giant mosquitoes have infiltrated the castle and are at the doors of the control room where Brekk and others have taken shelter.

    “Brace yourself, Smam, says Brekk, “Keep your laser guns ready. Here they come!”

    To be Continued

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  5. Screen shot 2017 01 17 at 10.00.43 am
    stev0  over 5 years ago

    The snake waits. Sure, the dog can wave its fool paw off, but some day the snake will get his revenge. Oh, yes, he’ll get his revenge.

    The snake waits.

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