The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day by John "Scully" Scully for September 06, 2019

  1. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  over 5 years ago

    We leased a milk truck and filled it full of 190 grain alcohol as a joke for the party. They drank it dry and sent it back for a refill. They are standing there, but a breeze will knock them over.

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  2. Image
    Newzy Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Some of the cast loves the number 10210……. For others, it’s two intense.

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  3. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 5 years ago

    The Tale of the Giant Frog Creature from Outer Space (Ep #58) :

    The DNA tests on the brains reveal that the brain actually does belong to Dr. Frogenstein, and that Dr. Frogenstein’s brain had miraculously survived and functioning in the ingenious brain cabinet which was invented by the road scientists from technologies borrowed from the frogs.

    Brekk is happy and saddned simultaneously. Happy that his friend and mentor, the good doc wasn’t all gone, but at the same time, sad and angry that he couldn’t save the doc in time. “That miserable Toad king will pay for this”, says Brekk, “I will personally make sure he does.”

    “N… No, Brekk”, says the voice from the brain cabinet. It’s Dr. Frogenstein’s brain, talking! “No, Brekk”, says Dr. Frogenstein’s brain, “you won’t even prick that toad. He’s mine. I had told him to kill me completely or else I’d make sure he suffers more misery. Please send for my trusted assistant, the great Dr. Grekkson. I…” and the voice fades away."

    “Send for Dr. Grekkson!”, shouts Brekk, “looks like the cabinet’s batteries need recharhing. Hurry!”

    Brekk comes out from the lab and on his way to the mess hall, he notices the skies and the stars shining bright.

    “All my friends and family are gone now”, he thinks, “my wife, my kids, my friend Corporal Corey, all dead, and the giant mosquitoes threat still at large, I guess I will never be able to begin my outer space explorations.”

    Sad and depressed, Brekk goes into the mess hall, only to see a lot of frogs gathering around something,or someone. When Brekk makes his way through them, he’s greatly gobsmacked. Corporal Corey was alive, and standing right before him with Socut Scott frog!

    “Great lord frogmighty! What on Bribbitt! Where on Bribbitt have you been, Corey? We though you were all dead!”

    “We thought so too. But we were saved by those mysterious unknown aliens. We were badly injured, and they helped us with a speedy recovery too”, answered Corey.

    “What? But who are these

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