The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day by John "Scully" Scully for September 12, 2019

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    Newzy Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Somebody left the cake out in the rain!

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  2. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 5 years ago

    And now, it’s time for…. The Tale of the Giant Frog Creature from Outer Space! (Ep #63) :

    Back on Planet Bribbitt, Commander Corey and the bugs and frogs team move into the snake territory to launch attacks on the giant mosquito creatures. They’re horrified to see the remains of slaughtered snake creatures all along their way.

    “Have these bloody bloodsukers no heart?”, says Corey.

    “No”, answers Commander Brann Bug. Commander Brann Bug is a bug of few words.

    “Okay, then”, says Commander Corey as the allied fleet moves further into the snake territory on their flying attack saucers.

    Meanwhile, a fierce battle ensues between the space fleet of the mosquito creatures and the allied fleet. Brekk, who is in one of the allied fleets, observes closely how the bug creatures manueuver their space ships and attack their enemies. “Dang, these bugs are so little and yet they’re so advanced in technology and warfare!”, thinks Brekk, “we frogs have got a lot to learn from them. But will they trust us enough that they’ll let us know more about their technologies..”

    As Brekk was wondering, a space spear shot by a mosquito ship, hits their ship. “Uh oh!”, says Buzz Bug, “we may be in trouble if that hit was a serious one.”

    The space battle rages on and most of the mosquito creatures are killed. Those that survive, head downwards to land on Planet Diptera. The bugs shoot very strong laser blasts at the giant mosquito space station and destroy it.

    “Let’s go down to Planet Diptera”, says SteveO the squadron leader, “Our backup team can follow and land now that the giant mosquito space station has been destroyed.”

    The allied fleet moves down, planning to land on a safe looking spot on Planet Diptera. But they were shocked like never before to see that wherever they saw, the giant mosquitoes were inhabiting it!

    To Be Continued
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