The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day by John "Scully" Scully for October 12, 2019

  1. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 5 years ago

    And now, it’s time for your most awaited show. The Tale of the Giant Frog Creature from Outer Space!

    (Ep #88) :

    “But, this would be a violation of the planetary peace pacts and laborious laws! We cannot take the toads and turn them into our slaves!”, exclaims Libbrek, the political frog, in the Frog nation ruling board meeting.

    “And who is this idiot?”, Whispers Dr. Frogenstein’s brain to Brekk.

    “Oh, that’s Libbrek, the pacifist imbecile. He was one of our former Supreme Ruler’s imperial bootlickers who’s addicted to the stuff that the toads are famed to peddle. His heart bleeds for those terrible toads rather than his own kind. When he realised that the Supreme Ruler didn’t stand a chance against us rebels, he defected to our side. Not that he was driven by the true patriotic passion that we had, but he did for his own well being”, says Brekk, whispering to Dr. Frogenstein’s brain, “Go ahead doc, you answer him yourself.”

    “Draned politicians”, thinks Dr. Frogenstein’s brain, and then, speaks aloud, “ahem, in case our esteemed colleague forgot that I’m only a brain without a body today, only because of those vile vicious villainous bloody barbaric toads. You may be busy in your lobbying and posturing all this while and didn’t have the time to know, but I could narrate how exactly they took off each of my limbs and other parts of my body and telecast it live on their network for the amusement of their toadfolk. Don’t give me and others in this board your bull planetary peace pacts when were facing impeding doom from the giant mosquitoes, a foe who maybe not as worse as the toads, but a thousand times more dangerous and deadlier. If you have any smart”###" solution, then present it. Otherwise, shut up."

    “What?”, Exclaims Libbrek, How can you talk to me so rudely? I agree you’re an eminent personality who led the great rebellion and invented great military tools for frog kind, but you cannot speak to me that w…"

    “Oh shut up”, says Brekk sternly, "don’t

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