The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day by John "Scully" Scully for October 26, 2019

  1. Peam thumb
    Peam Premium Member over 5 years ago

    My word, just like old times! Hi y’all!

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  2. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 5 years ago

    And now, it’s time for your most awaited show, The Tale of the Giant Frog Creature from Outer Space!

    (Ep #101) :

    Dr. Frogenstien’s brain wakes up in his new “suit of armour”, his new “body” made of both metallic alloys and strong but lightweight materials. It was a fully functional robot-like metallic alloy body built for Dr. Frognstein’s brain by the giant frog scientists, with the help of the advanced technologies of the alien bugs. Dr. Frogenstein’s brain could control this metal body as his own, as his brain was connected and wired to this robotic body, which was fully under the control of Dr. Frogenstein’s brain.

    “Do you feel okay, doc?”, asks Dr. Grekkson, his once assistant and now the scientist in chief.

    “Are you kidding?‘, replies Dr. Frogenstein, "I’ve never felt better! This is amazing!"

    “You look like a monstrous robot now, doctor”, says Brekk.

    “Well, Brekk”, says Dr. Frogenstein, jokingly, “you can call me the Frogentsin monster!”

    And they all have a good laugh over it.

    The giant frogs, with help of the alien bugs, eventual develop an outer space program as they were o more bound to the shackles of religious superstitions of not travelling beyond the nearby Planet Diptera. They also colonialise Planet Diptera and make a strong defence base on it, while trying to rehabilitate the giant flies on Diptera.

    The Great Frog Nation is ruled by an interim government led by the military and other patriotic chiefs until a proper democratic republic is drafted. Dr. Frogenstein, the wise Kermit the Hermit, General Bullfrog, and others take part in the process.

    And finally, Brekk the giant frog, Buzz the little green bug, and others begin working towards their outer space journeys by establishing an allied outer space program to travel through the space and detect and destroy any potential threats to their creature civilizations.

    (continued in the Reply)

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