Ha’ah. No capes!
The symbol on the cape is a crescent – ‘super outhouse moon’?
Yay, a new one!
There should also be Batmoon, Hawkmoon, Spider-Moon, Ant-Moon, Iron Moon, Icemoon, Multiple Moon…
Able to eclipse mid-sized stars in a single bound!
When satellites wore capes! Moon Power!
Sir Dudley has Moon Face Blindness, so Supermoon doesn’t even Need the Glasses with him.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 6 years ago
Ha’ah. No capes!
Nick Danger about 6 years ago
The symbol on the cape is a crescent – ‘super outhouse moon’?
Stephen Gilberg about 6 years ago
Yay, a new one!
There should also be Batmoon, Hawkmoon, Spider-Moon, Ant-Moon, Iron Moon, Icemoon, Multiple Moon…
Daeder about 6 years ago
Able to eclipse mid-sized stars in a single bound!
Sisyphos about 6 years ago
When satellites wore capes! Moon Power!
bakana about 6 years ago
Sir Dudley has Moon Face Blindness, so Supermoon doesn’t even Need the Glasses with him.