Francis by Patrick J. Marrin for March 25, 2019

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    jimmjonzz Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    The sermon to the birds, blessing of the animals.

    The meeting with a leper.

    Taming the wolf of Gubbio.

    Rebuilding the ruined chapel at San Damiano.

    Meeting the Muslim Sultan in the Holy Lands.

    Receiving the stigmata.

    No, I’m not Catholic. I just love Saint Francis.

    And the Sun in the first panel makes me think of….

    “Brother Sun, Sister Moon”

    Brother Sun and Sister Moon

    I seldom see you seldom hear your tune

    Preoccupied with selfish misery

    Brother Wind and Sister Air

    Open my eyes to visions pure and fair

    That I may see the glory around me.

    I am God’s creature, of Him I am part

    I feel His love awakening my heart.

    Brother Sun and Sister Moon

    I now do see you, I can hear your tune

    So much in love with all that I survey.

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    DanFlak  almost 6 years ago

    I have been a student of leadership all my life. I have found that two qualities that separate great leaders from other leaders are those most people do not associate with leadership: humility and compassion.

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    soaringblocks  almost 6 years ago

    thank you for this

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    Keep on keepin' on  almost 6 years ago

    I’m concerned. I waited to post, because I was SURE others would see this,vand express it more eloquently than I. “What’s next?” Well, Jesus was crucified. More than one way to effectively destroy someone “inconvenient”.

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