Strange Brew by John Deering for March 10, 2019

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    donwalter  almost 6 years ago

    Oh yeah…the government. I get it. Haw haw haw…

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    Watcher  almost 6 years ago

    Come back in 1000 years. I’m sure we will be open by then if we are still around.

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    pcolli  almost 6 years ago

    Try another country.

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    DanFlak  almost 6 years ago

    The problem with the government shutdown is that the wrong people were out of work. Government workers should have been on the job and the President, Supreme Court and Congress should have been out of work.

    This happened after McKinley was assassinated. Between the time he was shot and Roosevelt took over upon his death, no branch of government was in session. The country got along just fine.

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  5. Beer o clock
    Doug Taylor Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Even when the lights are on there’s nobody home.

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    William Bednar Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    They must not like “green” people. It’s a GOP thing: If you’re not White, you’re not Right!

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    Zebrastripes  almost 6 years ago

    If traveling on weekends, then yes, they’re closed! Lol

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    Saddenedby Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    be happy – they’re on their junkets spending others money and don’t have time to pollute the rest of the universe.

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    dwane.scoty1  almost 6 years ago

    In a 1000 years, Earthers will be spread across the Galaxy and Earth will be our Museum!

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