Garfield by Jim Davis for February 13, 2011

  1. Comic face
    comicgos  about 14 years ago

    That cat can eat!

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    Llewellenbruce  about 14 years ago

    Garfield has chipmunk cheeks again.

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    LittleSister18  about 14 years ago


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    codycab  about 14 years ago

    Looks like for once Garfield won fair and square.

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    Bittermelon of Truth  about 14 years ago

    Gone in the blink of an eye

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    aussi  about 14 years ago

    Who’da thought staring would get you more than slobbering?

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    stormydaze  about 14 years ago

    Garfield is a one of a kind cat as far as donut, lasanga and anything labeled food goes. That is one not finiky cat.

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    raysnutt18  about 14 years ago

    its seems to me that he has slown down
the coffee mug never moved

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    TexTech  about 14 years ago

    I’m not so sure, StormyDaze. Garfield may not be finicky when it comes to human food but offer him a mouse to eat and you could completely ruin his appetite
.for about 30 seconds.

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    Justice22  about 14 years ago

    Hmmm,,, Just like my EX.

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    Rise22  about 14 years ago

    ladyfingers86 - we had a cat who LOVED sweets - of ANY kind
had to watch her. She would sneak and lick the frosting off of cookies or cakes - and she LOVED tapioca pudding - from the time she was a teeny, tiny kitten
she lived to be 15, so the sweets didn’t slow her down much.

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    sthnprince  about 14 years ago

    My cat loves vanilla wafers.

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    frrykid Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Growing up I had a cat that would attack the pudding in the Banquet Mexican TV dinners. Dad would often have that and it was a chore to keep her away long enough for him to eat it. She was a Siamese-marked domestic shorthair (She looked Siamese except she didn’t have to crossed eyes, the kinked tail and the meow, unless she was unhappy.). I don’t know if her being Siamese had anything to do with it, but I wouldn’t be surprised.

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    peter0423  about 14 years ago

    Cats enjoying sweets is a bit of a surprise – I read someplace that cats, almost alone among mammals, lack taste buds for sweetness. (That would explain a lot about cat personalities, actually.) Maybe they groove on the fat in the goodies?

    BTW, frrykid, Siamese cats with crossed eyes and kinked tails are not typical of the breed – in a cat show setting, those would be disqualifying faults – but that voice, yikes, yes. (We have two Siamese, probably near-mixes – rescue cats
we love ‘em!)

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    vzs1022  about 14 years ago

    Jon I saw that one coming a mile away.

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    Wildmustang1262  about 14 years ago

    frrykid Yes, Siamese-breed cat has so powerful to screech very loudly. I had our beloved Siamese cat named Macbeth. She screeched so loudly. My mum yelled at her “Hey, stop it!” But Macbeth ignored her and kept screeching to make us get her attention. Oh brother! LOLs!

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    runar  about 14 years ago

    Real cats don’t like to be stared at. Try looking a cat in they eyes and it’ll look away first every time.

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    peter0423  about 14 years ago

    runar: Real cats don’t have their own comic strip, either. :)

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  19. Cat smile
    bestis2come  about 14 years ago

    Funny comments today :-)

    Love TexTech’s 30-second rule, Rise22’s sweets-thief, and frrykid’s Banquet Mexican pudding-plunderer!

    My cat’s not an overeater, but she does beg to taste food with spaghetti sauce, or gravy. She also recently shocked me by demanding to taste my ice cream! She must be talking to Garfield.

    @Runar, my cat feels responsible to tuck me in at night and to snuggle regularly - she will stare into my eyes for so long, I get bored. I think if the cat does not fear you and feels the need to care for you (as for a kitten), they will win the staring contest. Wonder if it’s only females? Actually, come to think of it, males can be very aggressive with their stares if you have something they want and they don’t fear you - they may even push you aside to get it.

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    chamin  about 14 years ago

    That explains what happened to my breakfast :o)

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    ChaseQurt2000  about 14 years ago


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    JP Steve Premium Member about 14 years ago

    If I displeased our Siamese he’d jump up on the mantle piece and GLARE at me as he picked at the rigging of my favorite model ship with one claw!

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    trekkermint  about 14 years ago

    have to hide any bread from mine

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    germanvisitor  about 13 years ago

    What was Jon waiting for anyway?

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    Foxtrot Guy  about 4 years ago

    Way to get snacks, huh

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    Twifan1  over 3 years ago

    I’m trying that next time I go to a friend’s house.

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    Zack Vladimirsky  over 3 years ago

    that frosting be lookin sus

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