Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for January 18, 2011

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    John Reiher Premium Member about 14 years ago

    But wait, weā€™ve seen him/her topless many times in the comic! You mean sheā€™s flatter than Olive Oyle?

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  2. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  about 14 years ago

    Jon is too stupid to be female.

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  3. V  9
    freeholder1  about 14 years ago

    I believe the idea is heā€™s a wuss for not kicking Garfield out in the cold when the brat needs it. I suspect ā€œweak sisterā€ is more the correct term.

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  4. Gray 20wolf 20  20brooks  20tracy 20  20mission 20wolf 20 usfws
    wolfintheshadows  about 14 years ago

    Donā€™t forget Lassie was played by a male.

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  5. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  about 14 years ago

    ā€œLassieā€ was always played by a male. No wonder Timmy kept getting stuck in the well - ā€œLassieā€ never stopped for directions back home.

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  6. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Jon Arbuckle a woman? Not true! Then heā€™d dress better.

    (Donā€™t think Garfield is funny? Your loss. Admitting that there are really only about 8 or 10 jokes in Garfield, I am constantly amazed and amused by the endless imagination of variations on so few themes. Maybe youā€™re confusing Garfield with Heathcliff.)

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    royalpurplelady  about 14 years ago

    I agree Garfield has never really been funny, even when he eats lasagna!!

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    royalpurplelady  about 14 years ago

    If Jon Arbuckle is the man his cartoonist SAYS he, is, then the cartoonist should find him a woman who can make him actually smart!

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  9. Pw1
    PlaidWolf  about 14 years ago

    Then there are two other instances of ā€˜guysā€™ being voice-cast as women in Sailor Moonā€¦Zoicite was a male character who was voiced by a woman (probably Bixby got her that role) in part to avoid any homosexual issues as the character had more than an infatuation with another male character (Kunzite)ā€¦and in Sailor Moon SuperS, Fisheye was voiced by a woman (another Bixby brain farā€¦er, storm)even tho the character was shown topless in one ep (so flat, sooooo flatā€¦.)

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  10. Wink
    DonVanni  about 14 years ago

    Too bad Krazy Kat is goneā€¦.

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    Airboy20  about 14 years ago

    For some reason, I rarely find cat strips funny, and Garfield bored me to death decades ago.

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    kirbydude  almost 14 years ago

    Thereā€™s one Garfield Comic that proves Jonā€™s a girl(See:ā€Garfield Shovels It In: His 51st Bookā€).

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