Chicken: Hello, you've reached technical support. This call may be recorded, so we can play it back later and make fun of you.
They’re usually not this honest. That’s refreshing.
I’m sure I’m a star in many support areas world wide.
Treat your customers with respeckt!
What I often hear after fixing someone’s problem: I could have done that!
That’s what tech people say when they use your smartphone camera to watch you.
You wanna mess with their heads? When a salesperson tells you that on the phone, say; “I don’t agree to that.”
Can one get tech support via Alexa?Will she have an Indian accent?
Thought so!
Ida No almost 6 years ago
They’re usually not this honest. That’s refreshing.
Huckleberry Hiroshima Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I’m sure I’m a star in many support areas world wide.
Zen-of-Zinfandel almost 6 years ago
Treat your customers with respeckt!
Teto85 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Indianapolis Smith almost 6 years ago
What I often hear after fixing someone’s problem: I could have done that!
gileshead almost 6 years ago
That’s what tech people say when they use your smartphone camera to watch you.
WCraft almost 6 years ago
You wanna mess with their heads? When a salesperson tells you that on the phone, say; “I don’t agree to that.”
Zykoic almost 6 years ago
Can one get tech support via Alexa?Will she have an Indian accent?
fgerbil46 almost 6 years ago
Thought so!