Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for April 01, 2019

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 6 years ago

    Who did that before there was Facebook, Baldo? Better yet, before the Internet as well as the telephone.

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    Thorby  almost 6 years ago

    Templo S.U.D, on the way home from CT, we passed by the temple in MD. One of the spires had some gilded panels off and there was scaffolding around 2 of the others. There’s maintenance work being done.

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  3. Grinch coffee
    I was FRAMED!!!!!!  almost 6 years ago

    TRAITOR Trumputin has been doing to America since 2016,

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    jrankin1959  almost 6 years ago

    Good point, Baldo…

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    WCraft  almost 6 years ago

    You know. What would be a good April Fool’s Day? If they started out the news by saying: nothing bad happened today so we’re shortening the broadcast.

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    jel354  almost 6 years ago

    Some all it “Fake News.”

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    Ahuehuete  almost 6 years ago

    Being that they’re Hispanic, wouldn’t they celebrate Dec 28 instead (El Dia de los Inocentes)

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    Lightpainter  almost 6 years ago

    i bet Baldo doesn’t believe there was a time without Facebook or the internet

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  9. Sulky chatin
    cwg  almost 6 years ago

    Yep, every day is april fools day on facebook.

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  10. Capt. marvel   shazam
    ElGato  almost 6 years ago

    I’d cut into the INTERNET, but I’m using it right now; although, I don’t access any other “Social Site” except, of course GOCOMICS.

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    mafastore  almost 6 years ago

    My mom used to wake us – every year – by waking us up on April 1 and telling us there was on school as it was snowing. When we each got married she would continue this by telephoning each of us in that morning and telling us we couldn’t go to work as it was snowing.

    She did not call this morning – but then again we were all together at her 90th birthday party yesterday. She did call this evening as she had my sister write no gifts on the invitations and my SIL & her husband gave mom cash for a gift and mom thinks it is too much and wants give it back – while I know she really meant it, it later hit me that this would have been great April Fool to me on her part. (We have told her not to do so.) As would have been the call later from SIL to my husband that her husband has a problem at work – one of his employees (they drive vans) ran over someone (if only that one had been an joke, it would be better all around).

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