Heard and saw that on an old Britcom. The name, it is forgotten. Lost in the mists of time. All is foggy. (I’m sure you get the picture of the fog, a real pea-souper, of my mind. What there is left of it. There used to be some on the right of it, but it got written out of the script.
Willywise52 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
There are no stupid answers,only stupid questions.
Al Nala almost 6 years ago
Heard and saw that on an old Britcom. The name, it is forgotten. Lost in the mists of time. All is foggy. (I’m sure you get the picture of the fog, a real pea-souper, of my mind. What there is left of it. There used to be some on the right of it, but it got written out of the script.
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe almost 6 years ago
oh, poo. No not that, dirty minds, go away, scat!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 6 years ago
Stephen Gilberg almost 6 years ago
Too many possible answers.
craigwestlake almost 6 years ago
I suppose “diapers” wasn’t an answer either?
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Good afternoon Mudd.
bakana almost 6 years ago
At least they didn’t name the Category “Boody Answers”.
Sisyphos almost 6 years ago
Boody is on Jeopardy!
That is the right answer, isn’t it? —But I forgot to put it in the form of a question. D’oh!