Skin Horse by Shaenon K. Garrity and Jeffrey C. Wells for April 06, 2019

  1. Tamandua walkies
    crookedwolf Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Could be that dead possum is a cover-up..

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  2. Idano
    Ida No  almost 6 years ago

    Why do they assume “Monstro” is a “he”? That’s pretty sexist. Maybe Tip can snag some sweet nylons.

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  3. 000 0557
    Darwinskeeper  almost 6 years ago

    Could Anasigma be involved? I vaguely remember that Mr. Green had some sort of operation going on in the Northwest.

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  4. Naruto gifs 2
    NWdryad  almost 6 years ago
    I live on the Olympic Peninsula. I’m really enjoying that the current storyline is taking place in my backyard.
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