This is backwards. Shampoo is “Lather, rinse, repeat” which requires 2X the product while using a contitioner requires just one dose of the product. This means you use shampoo at twice the rate of conditioner or, to put it another way, when you run out of shampoo the conditioner will be half-full.
Always buy two bottles of shampoo every time you buy one bottle of conditioner.
rabizar over 5 years ago
i dropped in to see what condition my conditioner was in…
Dacker Premium Member over 5 years ago
This is backwards. Shampoo is “Lather, rinse, repeat” which requires 2X the product while using a contitioner requires just one dose of the product. This means you use shampoo at twice the rate of conditioner or, to put it another way, when you run out of shampoo the conditioner will be half-full.
Always buy two bottles of shampoo every time you buy one bottle of conditioner.
kunddog over 5 years ago
it depends on the person, but washing your hair twice ,for most people is a waste of shampoo.