Tony asked, about 4 hours ago
Do you have a big lawn?
Only a couple of square feet in the window boxes at the balcony railing – more of small meadows; for our cat. Including dandelions and the like.
My lawn is just big enough to look green!!!
If I had a lawn, I would let nature take it course. A well groomed lawn is an ecological disaster.
I am modest. Perhaps the most modest person of our generation. Little people like you couldn’t possibly grasp just how modest I am.
And there I am!
Until the 15th of next month we do. Going from a 1/3 acre to 1/4 with a bigger house footprint on the lot.
Lawn size is relative. Since Tony lives in NYC, he may think a Chia pet qualifies.
September 13, 2014
Tigressy almost 6 years ago
Tony asked, about 4 hours ago
Do you have a big lawn?
Only a couple of square feet in the window boxes at the balcony railing – more of small meadows; for our cat. Including dandelions and the like.
Knightman Premium Member almost 6 years ago
My lawn is just big enough to look green!!!
Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 6 years ago
If I had a lawn, I would let nature take it course. A well groomed lawn is an ecological disaster.
GROG Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Ed The Red Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I am modest. Perhaps the most modest person of our generation. Little people like you couldn’t possibly grasp just how modest I am.
ms-ss almost 6 years ago
And there I am!
Plods with ...â„¢ almost 6 years ago
Until the 15th of next month we do. Going from a 1/3 acre to 1/4 with a bigger house footprint on the lot.
Lawn size is relative. Since Tony lives in NYC, he may think a Chia pet qualifies.