Watch out for Marvin the Martian!
Can I be first to be five billionth?
Better bundle up it gets colder than Antarctica up there at the equator & extremely dry. Better bring along your water, air, food, place to sleep and maybe enough fuel to return to Earth.
Pretty decent cut in the side of that jar – how’d you do it?
Marvin Premium Member over 5 years ago
Watch out for Marvin the Martian!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 5 years ago
Can I be first to be five billionth?
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
Better bundle up it gets colder than Antarctica up there at the equator & extremely dry. Better bring along your water, air, food, place to sleep and maybe enough fuel to return to Earth.
WCraft Premium Member over 5 years ago
Pretty decent cut in the side of that jar – how’d you do it?