Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for January 16, 2011

  1. Triopia logo
    ChuckTrent64  about 14 years ago

    They will have to eat fast, that cheap bird food “the Geezer,” has will go to the squirrels quickly.

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  2. Hillbilly1
    Hillbillyman  about 14 years ago

a shotgun comes to mind. Just kidding, I wouldn’t shoot a squirrels. LOL

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  3. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  about 14 years ago

    There are lots of hilarious YouTube and other shots of inventive tries to keep squirrels out of the bird feeders, including squirrel trebuchets (launchers, triggered by the weight of the raider). Some may work better than others, and some only for a while. The little rascals are pretty inventive themselves!

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  4. String
    stringmusicianer  about 14 years ago

    It’s an annoying promotion for another strip. If I wanted to read Annie, I would be doing it already. But I’m okay with just skipping over the posts.

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    post399  about 14 years ago

    Many of us have expressed concern of just how long Jim can, or will; keep Uncle Walt alive in the strip and/or how he might have to deal with his death. Somehow, I feel these concerns heighten each year as we approach every Valentine’s Day anniversary. Well, look at today. Jim has talking birds. Not the first time we have seen talking animals. My point is simple – if Jim can suspend ‘reality’ a little – then there is no limit. As I have suggested before, when Jim thinks the time is right – have Walt ‘pass on’ to the old cartoon characters retirement home. Maybe even have Nina waiting for him. Use the front porch as a sort of ‘visiting place’. Residents can come out on the porch, but only that far. Living folks, like Skeezix, can come and visit Walt that far, but may not enter the building. Walt’s activity in the strip has been limited for years, so his sitting there and chatting with friends and family like this could fit into most any story line for years to come. These are just a few thoughts for discussion.

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    Stevero  about 14 years ago

    As far as giving the story a rest, the Sunday strips do not follow the weekday story line.

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  7. Axe grinder
    axe-grinder  about 14 years ago

    post399, “Maybe even have Nina waiting for him”? Of course you mean Phyllis. The generations do tend to blur in Gasoline Alley!

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  8. Rick
    davidf42  about 14 years ago

    YellowPeeps, stringmusicianer, and OldManMountain -

    Please understand that the reason we need to put a link to the Annie strips in other locations is that our friends at GoComics have removed the strip from their list. Click on “Comics A-Z Navigation” and you’ll see what I mean. The comic is there, but GoComics doesn’t provide a link. All we’re doing is innocently trying to read a comic that we have read and loved all our lives. That’s all.

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    Dkram  about 14 years ago

    Well said David, it’s because of link from another comic comment page that I have found Gasoline Alley.

    So keep it up so other Annie fans will find her.


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  10. Hp scands 7121620245952
    LoisG Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Talking birds are nothing! From time to time - in the past - when Skeezix and Walt were still taking their annual walk in the woods in the fall - the TREES even talked to each other. Sometimes they would wonder when Walt and Skeezix would be making their annual trip - and, at other times - the trees would be commenting after Walt and Skeezix had gone!

    I don’t mind the link for Annie. In fact, I would like to see a meeting place for folks who want to discuss comics which were once available through Go Comics but are no longer available here. For example, The Dinette Set is STILL being posted by a number of other Internet Comic providers - just not on Go Comics. However, most of those places do not include a spot for comments. The Dinette Set is definitely one of those comics where the comments are very helpful - especially if you are trying to figure out just where the hidden picture has been hidden!

    So a spot where it would be safe to read the comics somewhere else but still discuss them with regular viewers at Go Comics would be sort of an interesting development.

    However, I am kind of surprised when ANY post with any sort of link included in it is left up by Go Comics. Numerous times - especially when comics such as Brenda Starr, Gasoline Alley, Pluggers or For Heavens Sake fail to post at Go Comics - there have been people who have kindly posted links to Internet Comic Pages which HAVE posted those comics - but someone from Go Comics seems to always go through and take down all of those posts with links in them.

    So, I don’t have a problem with someone posting a link here which leads to discussions about Annie.

    I just wish some bright person would begin posting CLASSIC Annie - just as I would love to see Brenda Starr CLASSICS or Gasoline Alley Classics when the time finally comes. I am thinking that, since the Tribune has been having some rough sledding in bankruptcy court, quite possibly, ALL of the Tribune Comics are living on borrowed time - which includes Gasoline Alley!

    I know that most of the Peanuts CLASSICS which are running in most newspapers currently were originally published back in the 50s - but the Peanuts strips seem as relevant today as they did back when they were originally published.

    So - I have no problem seeing posts which lead to discussions about ANY of the truly CLASSIC newspaper strips.

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  11. P6290172a
    436rge  about 14 years ago

    Once Skeezix turns 100 in 2021 then the strip can convert to a frozen in time mode and the aging of characters in real time would cease. I think Chic Young did this for Blondie when Alexander and Cookie started to age in their teen years and froze them 50 years ago.

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    shel4  about 14 years ago

    Dear Mr. S, that “spell of weather” gag is almost as old as Walt, isn’t it?

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    post399  about 14 years ago

    Thanks Axe-grinder, I did mix up Nina and Phyllis. As I said before - and no doubt will again – my hope is to find an acceptable way to retain the continuity of the strip without forcing Jim to kill off Uncle Walt. As demonstrated by mixing up the ladies, I make no claim to (correctly) having all the answers. No, I just wish, among the many Gasoline Alley followers, someone comes up with a workable plan.

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