Super-Fun-Pak Comix by Ruben Bolling for June 09, 2019

  1. F72798fc 23b3 4446 ba71 c86071cde6f1
    Strob  over 5 years ago

    and he was asking for rib-EYE.

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    ozed  over 5 years ago

    Now do comics for the deaf.

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    dadoctah  over 5 years ago

    How’s that old joke go?

    Deaf guy goes into a hardware store. Mimes hitting a nail and the clerk gives him a hammer. Then he mimes cutting through a board and the clerk brings him a saw.

    Then a blind guy comes in, wanting to buy a pair of scissors. What do you suppose he did?

    (At this point the listener makes some kind of gesture like he’s cutting a piece of paper. And you say….)

    “No, you dummy. He used his voice and asked for a pair of scissors!”

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  4. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 5 years ago

    Ah, the old one lump or two trick.

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  5. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Left-handed with his pencil, though.

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    tim.lowell  over 5 years ago

    My comment is also for the blind. It’s incredibly funny, blind people.

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