Zack Hill by John Deering and John Newcombe for May 16, 2019

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 6 years ago

    Mr. Belmont’s point, Zack, is you should pay more attention in class when discussing philosophy.

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  2. Ultaman les paul
    jvn  almost 6 years ago

    He also said “We are only falsehood, duplicity, contradiction; we both conceal and disguise ourselves from ourselves.” I am quite capable of sitting in a quiet room alone, lying to myself.

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    jpayne4040  almost 6 years ago

    His point is, “Turn that stuff off so you can concentrate on your homework!” Having said that, I work better with music in the background too.

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    R.R.Bedford  almost 6 years ago

    which is why I fall asleep in the john

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    Scoutmaster77  almost 6 years ago

    You should be comfortable with your own thoughts and company. :-)

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