Not very smart. I would have stopped after the first cut. What am I saying? I have a beard so I would not have been in that situation at all. One day gave up shaving and have not regretted that decision, since.
Reminds me of Airplane! In the first one a lady was applying cosmetics when turbulence hit and in the sequel a guy was shaving (when this happens do NOT apply Aqua Velva)
Farside99 over 5 years ago
He’s lucky he still has his head.
Gary Fabian over 5 years ago
Not very smart. I would have stopped after the first cut. What am I saying? I have a beard so I would not have been in that situation at all. One day gave up shaving and have not regretted that decision, since.
jpayne4040 over 5 years ago
Drop the razor blade! At the first tremor drop the razor blade!
Nighthawks Premium Member over 5 years ago
looks like an eight face-cut magnitude earthquake
Amra Leo over 5 years ago
And to think he did that with an electric razor…
Gent over 5 years ago
Also, Fred was a maroon who didn’t stop shaving when the ground began shaking.
Alberta Oil over 5 years ago
Fred shaves with a machete?
Kalli J Premium Member over 5 years ago
Reminds me of Airplane! In the first one a lady was applying cosmetics when turbulence hit and in the sequel a guy was shaving (when this happens do NOT apply Aqua Velva)
Space & Kitten over 5 years ago
The Born Loser’s Cousin ?