Television: And that about sums up the two campaigns so far. Back to you, skip. Thanks, Kitty, Meanwhile, in local news, a 10-year-old boy is being dangled from his window...
Jason: Quincy snuck out on his own! I swear!
You can tell it isn’t CNN, Fox or MSNBC or their ilk.
“In other news a boy, in obvious protest to Government policy, is hanging out his window. A lizard-like creature is suspected in instigating the event, but the connection between the boy and Godzilla is not clear at this time. Sources close to the lizard speaking under the condition on anonyminity cite that a possible jail break might be involved.
The Obama administration has not yet issued a comment and denies all allegations of a coverup. A spokesman for the president said, “What lizard?”
Hear what our panel of experts has to say about the lizard and how the protest may affect the price you pay at the pump.
garfield246 almost 14 years ago
Dead man walking!
Dkram almost 14 years ago
I think Quince likes her.
Dearly beloved we are gathered to remember the short life of…………………
lewisbower almost 14 years ago
Aww, c’mon, you big sisters loved us cute little brothers. Remember that time I, forget it.
NE1956 almost 14 years ago
For that little big lie, you deserve what you’re getting Jason.
legaleagle48 almost 14 years ago
I’m just amazed that the story broke within seconds of it happening.
david5992 almost 14 years ago
Slow news day, obviously.
Rakkav almost 14 years ago
In this case, action is the framework in which time happens and not vice versa. Rather like ancient Hebrew and Greek, that. :)
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 14 years ago
I think Paige should just chill! I think Quincy is cute!
Wallaby almost 14 years ago
I really do not understand how Paige can dislike Quincy.
dflak almost 14 years ago
You can tell it isn’t CNN, Fox or MSNBC or their ilk.
“In other news a boy, in obvious protest to Government policy, is hanging out his window. A lizard-like creature is suspected in instigating the event, but the connection between the boy and Godzilla is not clear at this time. Sources close to the lizard speaking under the condition on anonyminity cite that a possible jail break might be involved.
The Obama administration has not yet issued a comment and denies all allegations of a coverup. A spokesman for the president said, “What lizard?”
Hear what our panel of experts has to say about the lizard and how the protest may affect the price you pay at the pump.
Film at 11.”
mrcharmander934 almost 14 years ago
Uh oh, that can’t be good, poor Jason.
PikooPikii almost 14 years ago
@Wallaby Well you do know what REAL iguanas look like. They probably freak her out.