Dark Side of the Horse by Samson for January 17, 2011
January 16, 2011
January 18, 2011
Horace: When I was younger, I used to be such a prankster! Like this one time when I left a tuna sandwich in my neighbor's air vent. I remember it like it was yesterday.
Sine: It was yesterday.
Seems like I heard about a woman who took the finials off the ends of the curtain rods, and stuffed the rods with shrimp shells. She figured her ex-husband and his new trophy wife would never figure out where the smell was coming from.
Coyoty Premium Member about 14 years ago
Chicken of the A.C.
shel4 about 14 years ago
Thanks, Coyoty, you made it even better.
The Hammer Premium Member about 14 years ago
Horses seem to age so fast. Yesterday he WAS younger. How old is Horace ( in horse years?)
bmonk about 14 years ago
If the neighbor ever finds out who did it, I can predict his Horacescope will not be positive.
quanticobaby about 14 years ago
Ditto what Teresa said….
annamargaret1866 about 14 years ago
Seems like I heard about a woman who took the finials off the ends of the curtain rods, and stuffed the rods with shrimp shells. She figured her ex-husband and his new trophy wife would never figure out where the smell was coming from.