Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for June 12, 2019

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    BE THIS GUY  almost 6 years ago

    Get the all clear from your probation officer on any new business ventures.

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    Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Duke at his best , always sane and never stoned .

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    Watcher  almost 6 years ago

    You were with Honey 2 days ago, what happened? Did she dump you again.

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    Thuja  almost 6 years ago

    Classic Duke.

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    Differentname  almost 6 years ago

    A forgotten advantage of land lines. When you picked up you knew where you were.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    IIRC, Duke is Zonker’s uncle, and Zonker is Zipper’s uncle, which kind of implies there probably should’ve been some aunts in the picture somewhere, but we never hear about them.

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