Where it’s gotten us is two Republican wars only put in the budget since Obama took office and raging debt based on out of control spending and non-taxing of the the wealthy. by the Republicans.
IMR: While the Repubs deserve enormous blame for their hypocrisy and collusion, for nearly a century it has been the Dems who have militated for the ever-widening welfare state that has gotten us into this mess.
And let’s not go into the history of which party has started more wars; you’d lose badly. And you must surely have seen statistics about how a 100% tax on the wealthy wouldn’t dent America’s debt. But liberals have always been more guided by their daydreams than by facts.
The government employees and the US Chamber of Commerce are cesspools of self interest and greed; its a wonder the two of them haven’t tried to trademark the practice or at least considered those traits part of the genome project and filed separate patents. Government employees are amateurs compared to their elected masters.
And Clinton bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade and his stupid obsession with sex kept him from taking any of the several opportunities to take Bin Laden in before Al Qaeda was able to pull off the 9/11 actions. What’s your point? We can also go back and list all of the tough rhetoric that came from the Clinton Administration about Saddam Hussein and his WMDs. In both cases, the points are now moot. President Obama is the CinC and so far in his two years as such, we haven’t caught Bin Laden. What now? And if President Obama’s administration doesn’t catch Bin Laden will you still blame President Bush? And if Bin Laden IS caught, then what? Do you think the hostilities will magically cease, and everything turn into rainbows and ponies and ice cream?
pschearer Premium Member almost 14 years ago
So the Dems are all heart and look where it’s gotten us.
(“Cesspools of self-interest, greed and corruption”? Oh, you mean government employees unions!)
imrobert almost 14 years ago
Where it’s gotten us is two Republican wars only put in the budget since Obama took office and raging debt based on out of control spending and non-taxing of the the wealthy. by the Republicans.
pschearer Premium Member almost 14 years ago
IMR: While the Repubs deserve enormous blame for their hypocrisy and collusion, for nearly a century it has been the Dems who have militated for the ever-widening welfare state that has gotten us into this mess.
And let’s not go into the history of which party has started more wars; you’d lose badly. And you must surely have seen statistics about how a 100% tax on the wealthy wouldn’t dent America’s debt. But liberals have always been more guided by their daydreams than by facts.
DrChiBob almost 14 years ago
The government employees and the US Chamber of Commerce are cesspools of self interest and greed; its a wonder the two of them haven’t tried to trademark the practice or at least considered those traits part of the genome project and filed separate patents. Government employees are amateurs compared to their elected masters.
MisngNOLA almost 14 years ago
And Clinton bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade and his stupid obsession with sex kept him from taking any of the several opportunities to take Bin Laden in before Al Qaeda was able to pull off the 9/11 actions. What’s your point? We can also go back and list all of the tough rhetoric that came from the Clinton Administration about Saddam Hussein and his WMDs. In both cases, the points are now moot. President Obama is the CinC and so far in his two years as such, we haven’t caught Bin Laden. What now? And if President Obama’s administration doesn’t catch Bin Laden will you still blame President Bush? And if Bin Laden IS caught, then what? Do you think the hostilities will magically cease, and everything turn into rainbows and ponies and ice cream?
natashalee almost 14 years ago
You ruffled a few feathers Nicole!