ViewsAmerica by Cartoon Movement-US for June 04, 2019

  1. Missing large
    michaelmasteller63  about 5 years ago

    Release the hounds!

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  2. Missing large
    DaBoogadie  about 5 years ago

    Unleash the Hounds…

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  3. Rupert 1.9 small
    kluless19  about 5 years ago

    Cry ‘Havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war…

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  4. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 5 years ago

    Negative Nancy is the biggest impediment toward impeachment today.

    The House will get nothing done.

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  5. Photo
    S&C = Dismayed&Depressed   about 5 years ago

    There was an interesting article about the timing of the hoped-for impeachment of the unpresident. The premise of this theory is sitting up the timing of an impeachment action, and it makes perfect sense. Make the impeachment happen either the the Friday or the Monday just before the election. If we do that there are certain things we can count on to happen, most importantly, the thin skinned T rump will go totally insane, he will totally fall off the rails… we know that Pelosi can get all of the Dems Representatives in the house back from anywhere in the states to Washington for the passing of such a resolution. the Senate won’t have time to vote against the impeachment memorandum before the election. The biggest plus of all would be that it would totally send the Republican platforms ….all of them into chaos… Can you think of a better way to disrupt the Republican platforms???

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  6. Gmm mythical
    LINK_O_NEAL  about 5 years ago

    Except she has no reason and no power to do so.

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