Finally, someone to take on Nancy!
White guys can’t jump. It’s a universal law, like the speed of light, and that electronics blow in order to protect their fuses.
He’ll have that in the morning if he gets out of the dentist’s chair by then.
LeBron James
Hahaha Kevin is so stupid. Not meaning to be mean. We all can be very stupid sometimes.
Three teeth for the tooth fairy gets you more usually.
After the Tooth Fairy comes
danketaz Premium Member over 5 years ago
Finally, someone to take on Nancy!
Ida No over 5 years ago
White guys can’t jump. It’s a universal law, like the speed of light, and that electronics blow in order to protect their fuses.
katina.cooper over 5 years ago
He’ll have that in the morning if he gets out of the dentist’s chair by then.
tHegOldenmAniac over 5 years ago
LeBron James
WentBrown almost 5 years ago
Hahaha Kevin is so stupid. Not meaning to be mean. We all can be very stupid sometimes.
Abaham Linkon ✔️ about 4 years ago
Three teeth for the tooth fairy gets you more usually.
jamesvrosson 12 days ago
After the Tooth Fairy comes