F Minus by Tony Carrillo for June 19, 2019

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 5 years ago


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  2. Large bryanfarht
    Bryan Farht  over 5 years ago

    There’s a cure for that. It involves loud music and lots of alcohol.

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  3. 654px red eyed tree frog   litoria chloris edit1
    Superfrog  over 5 years ago

    Very few people really understand the terrible plight of the daytime insomniacs and their anti-coffee delusions.

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    PO' DAWG  over 5 years ago

    If you only knew the joy of shift work.

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  5. Waldo
    Indianapolis Smith  over 5 years ago

    Important research has been done in this. In fact, for only $5 a day you can help fund a dedicated group of scientists and doctors who are working for a cure. If we all pull together we can help these poor afflicted people.

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    waes-hael  over 5 years ago

    This’s GREAT! SO many people are addicted to caffeine and have NO clue. Next project suggestion: Rip into the worst invention – the alarm clock!

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  7. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Hah! This was truly great! I think, though, while I would like consistent daytime insomnia…. I still want coffee as well. I like the bitter flavors of it and would miss that.

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    chris_weaver  over 5 years ago

    Just imagine: all those hours tossing and turning behind her desk!

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    WCraft  over 5 years ago

    You don’t say. That hasn’t happened to me yet.

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  10. Truth
    daking27  over 5 years ago

    I desperately wish for this affliction.

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