How about we all put down our electronic devices tomorrow. No news, tweets or Youtube. Go outside with family and friends. Celebrate our great nation. Talk to people. We are having a block party. Old and young, democrat and republican, black, white and brown. Happy 4th!!!
The ‘news’ media has finally given to Russia what the Russians couldn’t do through force. By playing all sides against the others the Russians have divided this country. They have accomplished more than they ever thought possible with the few million they spent in the past several years.
pschearer Premium Member over 5 years ago
It’s not celebrity Tweets that make me cringe every morning I turn on the news.
smorbie the great and beautiful over 5 years ago
I agree with Uncle Sam. When did we get to the point where we can’t even talk to each other?
Smokie over 5 years ago
How about we all put down our electronic devices tomorrow. No news, tweets or Youtube. Go outside with family and friends. Celebrate our great nation. Talk to people. We are having a block party. Old and young, democrat and republican, black, white and brown. Happy 4th!!!
Alberta Oil over 5 years ago
The media?? It’s all about ratings and advertisement revenue.
BigShell over 5 years ago
The ‘news’ media has finally given to Russia what the Russians couldn’t do through force. By playing all sides against the others the Russians have divided this country. They have accomplished more than they ever thought possible with the few million they spent in the past several years.