NOBODY draws cartoon trees better than Russell Myers! (Eat your heart out, Doctor Seuss!)
Nothing looks worse than a cartoon veneer of friendliness, Broomie!
Oy! Broom is a real curmudgeon at heart….GRRRRRR
Make up your mind, you want friendly or mean.
Can we add sincerity to the list of desirable qualities in little green witches?
pschearer Premium Member over 5 years ago
NOBODY draws cartoon trees better than Russell Myers! (Eat your heart out, Doctor Seuss!)
jagedlo over 5 years ago
Nothing looks worse than a cartoon veneer of friendliness, Broomie!
Zebrastripes over 5 years ago
Oy! Broom is a real curmudgeon at heart….GRRRRRR
cuzinron47 over 5 years ago
Make up your mind, you want friendly or mean.
Sisyphos over 5 years ago
Can we add sincerity to the list of desirable qualities in little green witches?