@Number Three Today’s strip Is funny , our Hero Mr Andrew Capp sober again is at last believing Google , so after bashing Ted and hanging him on a coat rack , andy is ready to apologise :o) right? , my avatar of a guy killing time by shooting his alarm clock is like what I feel like doing each morning after trying to sleep all night , my bedside alarm goes off , how was your day? and welcome back , our day should be busy but not hectic I hope , have fun and thanks for caring pal.
@Linguist , Today is a public holiday in Malta, the fiest of St Peter and St Paul , L-Imnarja , they went to Rome , St Pete was cruxified and St Paul lost his head , in our grandparents days , it was written in the marraige vows , that every year the groom should take his bride to Rabat for a rabbit stew meal at buskett gardens, some stray cats also vanished at the time :o)
Templo S.U.D. over 5 years ago
Do we want to know what the lad Googled that would make Andy apologize to Ted?
AFFICIONADO over 5 years ago
@Number Three Today’s strip Is funny , our Hero Mr Andrew Capp sober again is at last believing Google , so after bashing Ted and hanging him on a coat rack , andy is ready to apologise :o) right? , my avatar of a guy killing time by shooting his alarm clock is like what I feel like doing each morning after trying to sleep all night , my bedside alarm goes off , how was your day? and welcome back , our day should be busy but not hectic I hope , have fun and thanks for caring pal.
AFFICIONADO over 5 years ago
@Linguist , Today is a public holiday in Malta, the fiest of St Peter and St Paul , L-Imnarja , they went to Rome , St Pete was cruxified and St Paul lost his head , in our grandparents days , it was written in the marraige vows , that every year the groom should take his bride to Rabat for a rabbit stew meal at buskett gardens, some stray cats also vanished at the time :o)
Troglodyte over 5 years ago
Ted will never get the hang of this Google thingy…
Huckleberry Hiroshima over 5 years ago
Nice of you.
neatslob Premium Member over 5 years ago
At least he’s hung up by his jacket and not his underwear!
cuzinron47 over 5 years ago
who ya gonna believe, Andy or Google.
Linguist over 5 years ago
It about time Andy started dealing with his hangups!
Lightpainter over 5 years ago
So, no jail term for assault and battery after this…….
tad1 over 5 years ago
Yet another reason to avoid dealing with Andy.