Buddy-boy Baldurdash (Norwegian Elkhound) either takes the runner by the front door or two-thirds of my bed. And in response to DOG GONE FUNNY, he loves to bark at the computer when we watch doggie videos. Google ELG JAGER HUND or MONTY THE ELKHOUND TELLS A STORY.
LeeCox over 5 years ago
And ironically, it wasn’t in the chair he commandeered for his nap!
over 5 years ago
Nothing beats a good nap.
Breadboard over 5 years ago
Our dogs do the same movements ! My favorite : On back paw in every direction ;-)
bobbyray526 over 5 years ago
He needs a couch
winston5610 over 5 years ago
Buddy-boy Baldurdash (Norwegian Elkhound) either takes the runner by the front door or two-thirds of my bed. And in response to DOG GONE FUNNY, he loves to bark at the computer when we watch doggie videos. Google ELG JAGER HUND or MONTY THE ELKHOUND TELLS A STORY.
zeexenon over 5 years ago
At least he plays outside of his comfort zone.
sarahbowl1 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Oh my gosh! Marm is as big as the chair!