Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for January 12, 2020

  1. Wallpapers jonny quest 1024x768
    J Quest  about 5 years ago

    The woman in the last scene mistakenly ordered the “Unhappy Meal”

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    DCBakerEsq  about 5 years ago

    A dim witted comic strip reader lays on his threadbare couch and stumbles across a hitherto unknown comic artist of incredible talent and good humor. He reads the artist’s newfound strip with unfettered joy and happiness looking forward to each day’s strip with hope for a chuckle, expecting countless more as the years stretch ahead into the distance. But, the forlorn reader searches for information about this great artiste only to find he had passed away many years earlier, never to put pen to paper in this plane again. The reader goes back to his worn sofa and cold coffee cup, another small piece of his inadequate soul darkened by despair.

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    WCraft Premium Member about 5 years ago

    I’d really like to read a novel which contains the middle situation…what action and excitement there would be! And, possibly a movie deal?

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  4. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 5 years ago

    Go for broke! Get the big bleak scene!

    Start reading Bleak House by Charles Dickens. Then, read the rest of his novels. You’ll forget you ever intended to write anything, but be content and half-blind….

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