Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for April 29, 2021
richard's poor almanac your personalized dream previews for november 10 - 15, 2003 by richard thompson 10 man: i can't play this, and i'm not wearing pants. you start the week with a classic dream of public humiliation. 11 invalid password. please resubmit. ***** submit here we have a perfectly good erotic/flying dream ruined when you can't re-member the password. 12 media goddess tina brown shows up & sneers at your tawdry little dream. 13 freud: zounds! this is significant! a perfectly fine erotic/flying dream spoiled when sigmund freud shows up with his notebook. 14 man: i can't play this, and i'm in a giant robot. a classic dream of public humiliation in the japanese anime version. 15 anna nicole smith shows up riding a flamingo. gee, your dreams are tawdry.
Wilde Bill almost 4 years ago
I feel sorry for the flamingo.
DCBakerEsq almost 4 years ago
Let’s not talk about last nights dream OK? At least not until I’ve had a few.
Sisyphos almost 4 years ago
Nothing tawdry about our late Richard’s imagination!