Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for May 04, 2021
just out for holiday giving by mr. richard thompson dear socks & buddy children's letters to the first pets dear socks & buddy, well, my dad says he's surprised bill clinton doesn't have weasels instead of regular pets cause he is one. how come? love, max ploppie age 6 dear vincent kids write to vincent van gogh dear vincent, i think you are the coolest. my brother thinks jackson pollock is tougher than you but i say no way! my bro-ther eats dumb flakes for breakfast! yrs. seth molarino p.s. do you have toulouse lautrec's address? dear bomby children write to smart bombs dear smart bomb; first, if i was that smart i wouldn't blow up. also, could you blow up ingrid murchison's birthday party? she's a rat (deleted) and i really hate her. yours truly, stephanie sloe-loris live goth or die! dear mr. bugs kids' letters to the y2kbug dear mr. bugs, will the drive-thru intercom at mcdonald's still work in the year 2000? how about my furbys? with concern, sherma lavalley kid: ask him will the country bear jamboree at disney world go crazy and kill everybody.
Cpeckbourlioux almost 4 years ago
I noticed he referred to himself as Mr. Richard Thompson this time.
artheaded1 almost 4 years ago
Awww, I remember the Y2K bug! What craziness!
rstove428 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Man I love the 90s references. Ah, good times! (Not!)
smorbie the great and beautiful almost 4 years ago
A Loris sighting. Though, she did change quite a bit before she showed up in Petey’s life.
fritzoid Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Jackson Pollock could probably take Vincent Van Gogh in a fight (Vincent wasn’t good with confrontation), but Pablo Picasso could put down both of them. He’s a little guy*, but scrappy, and he doesn’t fight fair.
*Not as little as Lautrec, of course.
Sisyphos almost 4 years ago
This “Dear…” series is just a device to involve kids in the nasty, endless game of psychotherapy! It’s a trap!