“Or, tell her to barf in the kitchen. That should get the old women to evacuate the building until the smell clears.”
Anybody else got that 40 cakes reference?
Unity barfing could be pretty harmful..
I barfed mid-op once. Lost my license for that. And Mr. Higgins’ liver.
Ooh! Anasigma’s figured out a way to take down Unity!
Cake? I just assumed that Unity would only eat Lady Fingers….
Ida No over 5 years ago
“Or, tell her to barf in the kitchen. That should get the old women to evacuate the building until the smell clears.”
Setriuno Premium Member over 5 years ago
Anybody else got that 40 cakes reference?
crookedwolf Premium Member over 5 years ago
Unity barfing could be pretty harmful..
mddshubby2005 over 5 years ago
I barfed mid-op once. Lost my license for that. And Mr. Higgins’ liver.
danketaz Premium Member over 5 years ago
Ooh! Anasigma’s figured out a way to take down Unity!
ViscountNik over 5 years ago
Cake? I just assumed that Unity would only eat Lady Fingers….