Fowl Language by Brian Gordon for October 29, 2019

  1. Large img 3558
    Zebrastripes  over 5 years ago

    Nooooo! So is it true about the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy? GASP!

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  2. Waldo
    Indianapolis Smith  over 5 years ago

    But what about all those documentaries?

    Elf, Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer, The Santa Clause, Miracle on Thirty-something Street

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    Julie478 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Bonus Panel:

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  4. Mines
    Madzdad the bard  over 5 years ago

    When mine asked me that I told them that it was a tradition that they had graduated into and that they must now keep the secret. I think they felt like they had been initiated into a secret (Santa) society and loved it.

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    StackableContainers  over 5 years ago

    Just like Santa Claus, he would have figured that out for himself at some point.

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    CyborgNinja  over 5 years ago

    Imagine him saying that to the other kids! Lol.

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    LukeTedder  over 5 years ago

    true very true

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    TheAtomicPunk  about 4 years ago

    why do parents try to trick kids? lying bastards. they are bullshitting a kid for their own amusment

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    SamuelZhao  almost 4 years ago

    They had us in the first half, I’m not going to lie

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